Get ready for a bit of a read as this is our first update......
After a summer break, the AAFRC is back and offering programs. While registering is not mandatory for some programs we appreciate it if you send us your information so the facilitators can be prepared (information suggested are the names and ages of your children you would like to register as well as your name as sometimes that is not in the email address). Here is what we have planned to date:
Outdoor Playgroup - in the Altona Park from 10:30-11:30am starting Tuesday September 13 and running weekly. This is geared for all families with preschoolers (Kindergartners are welcome if it is their off day too!)...come out for some fun times in the park which could include story time, rhymes and songs, scavenger hunts, loose parts play and a variety of crafts and activities.

Outdoor Family Gym Night - in the Altona Park from 6-7pm starting Thursday, September 15 and running until October 27 , depending on weather and amount of daylight. This is a physical activity focused program geared towards preschoolers that usually ends in a story as a wind up to the evening.

Take Home kits - this has been one of our favourite programs in recent years and we are happy to once again be offering it. This year we are going to be running it a little different as there will not be unlimited kits, once they are spoken for that is it so be sure to sign up for the kit early. Some kits will be one per family and some will be one per child so be sure to list your child's name and age so we can be sure to reserve the correct number of kits for your family. Once again we hope to have these kits out every other week. So an announcement for sign up will come out and the following Thursday the kit will be out for pick up. We apologize ahead of time if you reserve a kit then come to the bin and it is empty. The bin is put out and it is on the honor system that those the have reserved kits are the ones that pick up. If a reserved kit is not picked up by the following Wednesday, it will be a first come first receive for that kit. Does this make sense? By having the bin out, this allows everyone access to pick up a kit even when I am not in the office. Consider this the announcement for the first kit that will be out for pick up on Thursday Sept 15! Register NOW!

PUBB (Pop Up Book Bag) - once again we are hoping to offer this program on a monthly basis. It is similar to the Take Home kits, however the supply is much smaller and these are family based as they contain a book for the family to share as well as supplies for some shared activities. And these will require an appointment for pick up from me. This one is also a social media advertised event so please follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see when the next one is available. For this one time I have included the announcement in the attachment, however in the future it will only be posted on FB and IG and you will need to email to reserve a book! We are excited for this first one as it coincides with National Truth & Reconciliation day as it has an indigenous theme.

And to answer the question that I am sure is on everyone's mind...indoor, in-person programs! Yes, we are planning them, just trying to figure out what indoor space is going to work for us and for you the best. We do have options which is new for us, so we will let you know as soon as some decisions have been made. And we are excited as we may once again be able to offer programs in both Gretna and Rosenfeld! As I mentioned, we're still working on it so do not want to say more than that right now. As always, we are open to suggestions and comments for anything pertaining to the AAFRC, please reach out and let us know. We are very excited to get this new fiscal started and look forward to seeing you all throughout the year!