This past year saw a lot of change regarding our programming once again. We had a lot of adjustments as we settled into the 2nd year of the pandemic. One thing that was made very clear in 2021 is the resiliency of ourselves as an organization as well as the families we serve. Together, we have managed to survive lockdowns, closures, restrictions, changing guidelines and much more. It hasn’t been seamless, and not everyone came through this year unscathed, but there have been opportunities for change and growth.
While there is uncertainty in what we will face after the holiday break – we will be closed from December 23 – January 5 - be assured that your team here at AAFRC has several options to work with and we will keep you as updated as we can. Our hope is to continue with the bi-weekly take home kits, insert a few more Pop-Up Book Bags (watch our social media pages for updates as this is a total social media incentive), a Family Gym Night Take Home Kit is in the works similar to last years and it our plan to re-introduce our lending library. In the lending library families will have the opportunity to borrow our Family Literacy Learning Experience Bags, Little Learner Binders as well as some - still in the development stages - Baby Bags geared for your little ones under one year of age!
We have been diligent in updating our website calendar as well as these blog posts. Our social media has also been given special attention lately, so hopefully you have felt connected and “in the know” as to what we are up to!
Our organization has not only continued to support those who need us, but we’ve also supported each other. Together we came up with new and creative ways to deliver our work and engage with our communities, and we held each other up when our energy was on the verge of being depleted. We are so grateful for the people who make up our team here at the AAFRC – the volunteers, staff, board members, supporters and funders – and we look forward to 2022 with hope and excitement.
On behalf of myself, our facilitators and our board members at AAFRC we wish everyone a safe, happy, and well-deserved holiday season!
